Dear All,
The HOW HOMELAND convention on 30th December 2012 has created a Historic Milestone in our sacred struggle for Homeland ( only geopolitical settlement for KPs).
It is not meant to silence the critics or to raise the morale or push our movement into the new strata where logical confinement of few don't deter our conviction & resurgence.
Its significance would be realized as our community enables itself into the glorious harbinger of peace , prosperity & creation of this HOMELAND.
I am highly obliged to every single member of society (including non KPs) for being part of this successful event. The list is so long that if I miss any single name inadvertently ( including the names of our critics who have unknowing helped us to reach this milestone ) , it would be a great sin in my life.
2013 sets new dimensions and objective focus automatically. Only Mantra to success would be to think irrational & out of box ,be forceful to your limits & be faithful to our conviction.
Message is loud & clear to everyone in community.
1. While as we excel in our personal & professional life , the purpose of our living would be satisfied but our aim in life has to be bigger than this."Identity with Pride to achieve homeland "
2. Panun Kashmir is the only political construct/idiom, which is now applicable to even the broader counters of PANUN INDIA.
3. A phase of struggle has started where the economically & professional enabled Community has to take this struggle from streets into power corridors.
4. 'How Homeland' document has given clear framework to everyone that Homeland is possible within the legal framework of Indian Constitution as such it is for us to use our resources and joint focus for its achievement.
While as our elders in 1990s gave us WHY HOMELAND , We started a tryst from Pune, 1st International KP Youth Conference with HOW HOMELAND.
Looking at bright young & confident new generation of comrades in Homeland Movement , I am sure WHEN HOMELAND isn't that far anymore.
With all Humbleness at my disposal & Love to all of you !
Wishing you a Happy 2013 AD !